Ventilator Settings Utilizing ARDSNet Lung Protective Ventilation Strategy Vent Settings Patient Data Pt Weight (PBW) kg Ideal: 6 mL/kg PBW (predicted body weight, not actual body weight) Tidal Volume 4-8ml/kg and plateau pressures (Pplat) <30 cmH20 Set respiratory rate (RR) to maintain optimal minute ventilation (MV) Vent Paramaters Volume 6ml/kg4ml/kg8ml/kg Respirations 12breaths per min6breaths per min35breaths per min Tidal Volume Tidal Volume ml Minute Ventilation Caution: Minute ventilation < 6000 ml/min Minute Volume ml Enable Advanced Titration Is pH known? pH 7.35 Adjust FiO2 Titrate FiO2 in stepwise fashion to maintain SpO2 88-95%. FiO2 Setting Step 20.50.5 Repeat Repeat 10.7 Repeat Repeat 10.9 Repeat 21.01.0 Repeat 11.0 Repeat 21.0 Repeat 3 Adjust PEEP Adjust PEEP for each step change in FiO2. FiO2 0.3 cmH2O FiO2 0.4 cmH2O FiO2 0.4 Repeat 1 cmH2O 8 10 10 10 12 14 14 14 16 18 18 20 22 24 Pplat PPLAT 25 Recommendations if necessary decrease TV stepwise by 1 mL/kg PBW to a minimum of 4 mL/kg PBW increase TV stepwise by 1 mL/kg PBW until Pplat >25 cmH20 or TV of 6 mL/kg PBW Pplat >30 cmH20 allowed if TV 4 mL/kg IBW and pH <7.15 if pH < 7.15 increase TV, give NaHCO3 If you are human, leave this field blank.